What is Health Insurance ?

One sort of coverage known as health insurance covers the insured's medical and surgical costs. Prescription medicine, preventative care, and mental health treatments are just a few of the various health-related costs that it may cover.

This is the general operation of health insurance:

  1. Premiums: Insured individuals pay regular premiums to the health insurance provider. This is a fixed amount that can be monthly, quarterly, or annually.

  2. Deductibles: Before the insurance coverage kicks in, the insured person must first pay a certain amount out of pocket. This is known as the deductible.

  3. Coverage: Once the deductible is met, the health insurance plan typically covers a percentage of the medical expenses. The remaining percentage is often referred to as coinsurance, and the insured person is responsible for this portion.

  4. Co-payments: In addition to the deductible and coinsurance, individuals may have to make fixed payments (copayments) for certain services or prescriptions.

  5. Out-of-pocket maximum: Health insurance plans often have a maximum limit on the amount that an insured person has to pay out of pocket in a given year. Once this limit is reached, the insurance company covers the remaining eligible expenses.

Health insurance can be acquired individually from private insurance providers, through employers, or through government programs (Medicaid and Medicaid in the US, for example). Having health insurance helps people and families from the financial money of unexpected medical costs and promotes routine access to care for required and preventative procedures upon hospital admission.

Benefits Of Health Insurance

  • Cashless Facilities - If you are insured, you can get cashless treatments as your insurance company would work in collaboration with various hospital networks.
  • Private Single A/C Room - Insurance policy also covers room expenses depending on the premium being paid by the insured.
  • ICU, Dr Fees, Test, Medicines - Covered (Actuals).
  • Pre & Post Hospitalization - Insurance policy also covers pre and post hospitalization charges up to the period of 60 days, depending on the insurance plans purchased.
  • Day Care Procedure - All day care treatments are covered upto sum insured.
  • Road Ambulance Charges - Covered upto sum insured (i) for transportation to hospital (ii) from one hospital to other hospital (iii) from hospital to residence.
  • Air Ambulance – Covered up to the limit.
  • Emergency Domestic Medical - Expenses incurred towards transportation of the insured person from the hospital where the insured person is currently undergoing treatment to another hospital for further treatment.
  • Auto Restoration Benefit - Restoration will trigger immediately upon partial/ full utilization of the sum insured, which can be utilized for a subsequent hospitalization.
  • No Claim Bonus – This is the bonus element which is paid to the insured if the insured does not file a claim for any treatment in the previous year.
  • Health Check-up - Insurance policy also provides options for health check-ups. Free health check-up is also provided by some insurers based on your previous NCBs.
  • Dental & Eyes Treatment – Covered up to the limit.
  • Outpatient Consultation – Covered up to the limit.
  • PA Cover - Accidental Death only.
  • Treatment For Chronic Severe - Covered up to the limit.
  • In Utero Fetal Surgery / Intervention – Covered (Actuals).
  • New Born Baby Cover - Covered up to the limit.
  • First Year Vaccinations - Covered up to the limit.
  • Home Care Treatment - Covered up to the limit.
  • Refractory Asthma - Covered up to the limit.
  • Compassionate Travel - Insurance policy also covers the amount paid to ambulances towards the transportation of insured.
  • Repatriation Of Mortal Remains - Payable towards the cost of repatriation of mortal remains of the insured person (including the cost of embalming and coffin charges) to the residence of the Insured as recorded in the policy.
  • Non-payable Items Covered - If there is an admissible claim under inpatient / day care the policy, then Items as per List will become
  • Payable.
  • Modern Treatment - Covered (Actuals).
  • Psychiatric & Psychosomatic - Covered (Actuals).
  • Tax 80D Benefits - Premium paid on Health insurance is tax deductible under section 80D of the Income Tax Act.
  • Donor Expenses - Covered up to the limit.
  • Domiciliary Treatment - Covered up to the limit.
  • E Opinion / Second Medical – Covered up to the limit.
  • Hospital Cash Benefit – Covered upto the limit.
  • Ayush Treatment (For Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Homeopathy) - Covered up to the limit.
  • Bariatric Surgery - Covered up to the limit.
  • Maternity Expenses - Covered up to the limit.


  1. Star Hospital Cash
  2. Star Outpatient Care
  3. Star Accident Care
  4. Diabetes Safe
  5. Star Cardiac Care
  6. Star Special Care
  7. Star Cancer Care Platinum
  8. Star Cardiac Care Platinum
  9. Mediclassic Policy
  10. Critical Illness Multipay
  11. Star Comprehensive
  12. Family Health Optima
  13. Star Citizen’s Red Carpet
  14. Star Super Surplus
  15. Young Star
  16. Arogya Sanjeevani
  17. Star Micro Rural and Farmers
  18. Star Health Gain
  19. Women Care
  20. Health Premier
  21. Star Health Assure Insurance Policy
  22. Star Group Health Insurance 

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